Charge up!

Join the electric vehicle movement

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Aenean Consectetur

More consumers are making the switch to electric cars

This movement makes them more attractive to businesses that offer easy access to high-speed electric vehicle chargers. Now is the time to establish leadership in the EV industry with an Enel X Charging Station from Encore Energy Group.


Our Promise

By offering convenient ultra-fast charging stations where people are already gathering, we are meeting customers’ needs and helping build confidence in the electric future.
We can ensure the owners of EV charging stations make more money during certain hours of the year, by controlling the flow rate of electricity from stations.

Aenean Consectetur Porta

Solar Installations

Whether you already have installed solar panels or not, we can help you make more money from your generated solar electricity. 

If solar panels are not installed yet

  • We can assess your various sites and help you figure out which ones are economically viable. We can estimate the expected solar generation output, available government-based and market-based incentives, and help you estimate the project cash flows. After installation, we can help you monetize the expected cash flows.

If panels are already installed

  • Depending on the type of contract you have signed at the time of installation, we may be able to help you make more money from your project (by monetizing solar renewable energy credits more efficiently than competitors)
Aenean Consectetur Porta

Our Charging Stations

Participating in our Demand Response Program we can help you control your energy consumption during certain times of the year (when electricity consumption is high in the electricity grid) in exchange for getting paid by your electricity utility company and the power operator.

  • We can ensure the owners of EV charging stations make more money during certain hours of the year, by controlling the flow rate of electricity from stations.
  • Lower cost to supply/deliver electricity due to the consumption patterns of hospitals and shopping centers.
  • They can even save up to 20% of their cost of electricity year-round, if they can avoid using electricity from the grid during certain hours of the year (for example by using their own generated electricity).
  • We can ensure hospitals and shopping centers pay the least possible price for electricity by monitoring the electricity market.

HeadNulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Pus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Joshua Home

New York Times

HeadNulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Pus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

New York Times

About Capital Energy Solutions

Dino Rodwell is the CEO of Capital Energy Solutions. He did his undergraduate studies at George Washington University. He later went on to found two successful companies in healthcare and tech. In 2001 he opened the first black owned freestanding MRI center in General Electric's Medical Division in the country.  His previous companies have been recognized and awarded by the Minority Business Development Agency. He also received the Maryland Governor's citation for leadership and entrepreneurship. More recently, Mr. Rodwell has received the distinguished Baltimore News Black Capital Award for his outstanding work in business.

Andrew Jessup is the Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. He studied computer science at Rutgers University and brings over 22 years of experience in software engineering, business strategy, and management to Capital Energy. He has an extreme passion for technology and renewable energy and is excited about the future of the EV movement. As a serial entrepreneur, Mr. Jessup brings experience from various industries including construction, tech, real estate, online retail, insurance, and entertainment.

Our Mission

Capital Energy Solutions (CES) mission is to be a best-in class provider of EV charging systems. Our goal is to specifically focus on serving the needs of commercial and municipal customers. From hospitals to large retail complexes, our chargers are helping to meet the demanding need for retail charging in America. We can design, install, and maintain EV charger systems around the country tailored to meet the customer's needs.

As the electric vehicle movement continues to grow, the need for hospitals and commerical property owners businesses to incorporate EV charging stations into their properties grows with it.

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